Monday, June 9, 2008

Make Their Day Blog

Getting back from ASTD ICE has left me in an information overload!

The first among several things I would like to share is a blog all about employee engagement.

Cindy Ventrice is the author of the book Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works. She also has an interest in Generational Differences. Please visit Cindy's blog and take a survey that will help quantify the differences in what each generation wants from employee recognition.

Click HERE for the link to her survey.

Coming soon - instructional design and generational differences.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

To those just joining

I want to take a second and say WOW - what a week huh?

Thank you to everyone that I met at ASTD ICE, many of whom gave me awesome ideas to blog about. I would also like to remind everyone that I am slowly moving posts over from another blogging platform that recently closed down.

Keep reading and sharing your questions, comments, or suggested post topics. I look forward to hearing from you.

